Main Entry: un·re·quit·ed
Pronunciation: "&n-ri-'kwI-t&d
Function: adjective
: not requited : not reciprocated or returned in kind
Aaaahhhh... Feeling the love blues again. I've been in love with a million guys and I'm currently in love with a million more. Unfortunately, all of them are unrequited. And that pretty much sucks. I would hate myself if I turn out to be a sugar daddy. I'm not looking for a "bayaring papa" but for a real boyfriend. But everyday, the likelihood of that happening is increasing. Bleeh...
I'd like to hink of myself as a very private person. True, people know me well but what they actually know are facets of myself. As it turns out, I'm not really that private about my life. You see, I'm one of those people who wear their hearts on their sleeve. Just look at the paragraph above and you'll see how honest or open I am about my life. If I am feeling something, you can immediately see it in my face. I would look happy, sad, depressed, bothered, angry... If I am alone but I'm sitting in front of the PC, I would be blogging about what I'm feeling. Or I'd be changing my YM status to reflect my current state. A few months ago, I was angry at a friend of mine but I couldn't tell him. So I changed my YM status to reflect how I felt towards him. It was just a phrase, I didn't even mention him by name. But he knew. He knew that it was directed at him even without anything incriminatory words. That's how obvious I am...
But back to the unrequited thing... I like a couple of guys right now. Nothing romantic yet, but I like them a lot. And same as always, I have a defunct gaydar so I dunno if they are gay or if they are open to dating a guy. And I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about this. Another trait of mine is that I have no self control. If I like someone it's very possible that liking him will turn out to loving him. Even if I know that that person is not interested, it usually progresses into that messy situation. And I would hate it if it happens again. Like a guy, love a guy, guy doesn't want me, end up feeling depressed. It's a vicious cycle. And this cycle has got to stop!
Pronunciation: "&n-ri-'kwI-t&d
Function: adjective
: not requited : not reciprocated or returned in kind
Aaaahhhh... Feeling the love blues again. I've been in love with a million guys and I'm currently in love with a million more. Unfortunately, all of them are unrequited. And that pretty much sucks. I would hate myself if I turn out to be a sugar daddy. I'm not looking for a "bayaring papa" but for a real boyfriend. But everyday, the likelihood of that happening is increasing. Bleeh...
I'd like to hink of myself as a very private person. True, people know me well but what they actually know are facets of myself. As it turns out, I'm not really that private about my life. You see, I'm one of those people who wear their hearts on their sleeve. Just look at the paragraph above and you'll see how honest or open I am about my life. If I am feeling something, you can immediately see it in my face. I would look happy, sad, depressed, bothered, angry... If I am alone but I'm sitting in front of the PC, I would be blogging about what I'm feeling. Or I'd be changing my YM status to reflect my current state. A few months ago, I was angry at a friend of mine but I couldn't tell him. So I changed my YM status to reflect how I felt towards him. It was just a phrase, I didn't even mention him by name. But he knew. He knew that it was directed at him even without anything incriminatory words. That's how obvious I am...
But back to the unrequited thing... I like a couple of guys right now. Nothing romantic yet, but I like them a lot. And same as always, I have a defunct gaydar so I dunno if they are gay or if they are open to dating a guy. And I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about this. Another trait of mine is that I have no self control. If I like someone it's very possible that liking him will turn out to loving him. Even if I know that that person is not interested, it usually progresses into that messy situation. And I would hate it if it happens again. Like a guy, love a guy, guy doesn't want me, end up feeling depressed. It's a vicious cycle. And this cycle has got to stop!