Saturday, February 11, 2006

Land of the Free...

It's 11:30 PM here in Rockville, MD. Yes I'm already in the land of the free otherwise known as the U.S.A. My travel companions and I first got to America yesterday when we had our first stop at L.A. at around 6 P.M. PST. Then we waited up until 12 to catch a connecting flight to Chicago. It was an excruciating 4 hour flight. Then we took our last flight from Chicago to Washington, D.C. and arrived there at around 9:30.

Will tell more about my trip tomorrow... It's already late in the night and I have to sleep... Only had 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours! And it's currently snowing here so it's super cold, the perfect sleeping condition... Hurrah! Unfortunately the snow will disappear early tomorrow morning... Bleeh...



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