Friday, April 14, 2006

Un-Holy Week

Lent was non exsitent for me this year. Aside from going to mass on Ash Wednesday, I didn't do anything at all in preparation for Holy Week. I didn't go to mass every Sunday (which is pretty much a requirement even during ordinary times). I didn't avoid eating meat every Fridays. I didn't get to see a palaspas during Palm Sunday. I didn't even pray that much on my own! So yeah, it really is an un-holy Holy Week for me this year.

Today is Good Friday. And I am at work. Yes, the holiday that all Filipinos observe is non-existent here. True, the Company has declared this day as a holiday. Unfortunately, our team was asked to work overtime due to the high volume of work coming our way. But as it is supposed to be a non-working day, we are being given free lunch: Kababs. (Don't get me started on the weird way they spell kebobs here) Now how incosiderate is that!? They know that a lot of people here are Catholics, why serve a meat dish?! They did give the option of Veggie Kababs but who wants to eat tomatoes and onions on a skewer?! Mental, I tell you... But as they say, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... I ate Lemon Chicken yesterday, Holy Thursday. Hahahaha!

Tomorrow is the day that we leave this forsaken place. We get to go back to the Philippines!!! I really cannot wait... I've almost finished packing my stuff, almost ready to go. But we do have a 12 hour stop in LA so I'm meeting up with some high school friends, get to tour Hollywood, and hopefully see a star or two... I just wich we can stay there a bit longer... And even if it's still technically Holy Week, Black Saturday is a day of fun for me all the time. Because back in the Philippines, we usually hold our family outing during this day hahaha...

After that 12 hour stop in LA, we leave at 9 Saturday evening and we get to arrive in Manila at 6 Monday morning... Where the heck did our Sunday go?!?! Hahaha... So we miss out on Easter Sunday... Maybe there will be an Easter Egg hunt onboard... Sana lang!


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